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February 18, 2012

Valentines Day

Like the past two years I was again date-less this V Day! Nothing new or special, because neither do I understand the concept of celebrating love on a certain one day nor do I encourage the meaningless expenditure that comes along with it.
Additionally, its quite amusing to notice how various brands are trying to earn more profit by introducing the "Valentines Week", which includes everything under the sun including a Teddy Day (where the guy is supposed to gift a Teddy to the girl) to a Kiss Day, which no one really needs an explanation to. However, this year things were done a little differently.
The four of us, Ananya, Jasmine, Suryatrisha and I decided on the concept of a "Secret Valentine" (heavily borrowed from the concept of "Secret Santa") and became each other's Valentine. As the name says, I cannot reveal at any point of time who is my Valentine and we had to buy a secret gift for our Valentine. Needless to say, mission was only half successful and though everyone did get their gifts, we just couldn't help revealing our geniuses in buying the gifts for our "Secret Valentine"! LOL.

The gifts were just the cherry on top of a cake built by an evening full of hookahs and ice creams along with Jasmine's Strawberry Shake and hours of gossip! Go girls.

Love is in the air,
Not for a day or week.
For all the moments you spend,
For all the days you look back upon with a smile.

Signing off! Ciao!